Encouraging young people to love Jesus and embrace the Church

Book your next retreat with us or learn about what we can offer the young people of your community!

  • NET has proven itself a powerful programme of personal formation, and a powerful form of mission in our Church.
    Archbishop Mark Coleridge
    Archbishop of Brisbane
  • The commitment of the NET Team to their ministry with our students was truly amazing
    RE Co-ordinator, NSW
  • NET made a dramatic difference in my life and I know it will stay with me forever.
    Ebony – Year 9 student, QLD

Latest News

NETworks Issue 4, 2024

FAITH MADE POSSIBLE: In this edition we cover how Faith is Made Possible, The Heart of a NET Missionary & our ongoing feature of 'Get To Know the 2024 NET Missionaries'. Click...

NETworks Issue 3, 2024

BUILD OR EARN TRUST: A Pentecost Reflection. In this edition we catch up with the Hamilton Team, hear from Alumni, Sr Anastasia OP and look to the big things coming up this year.

NETworks Issue 2, 2024

THE JOY OF MISSION: This edition contains articles on:  Nothing Beats Joy, NET Darwin, & Prayer Poster. Click the Prayer Poster below for the newsletter

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