Place of Discipleship

When we had our first team meeting, we had an opportunity to brainstorm ideas for events we could do regularly throughout the year at UQ. We had a vision to create an event people not only wanted to come to but looked forward to coming to. It was evident to us that university is a place where, though there are thousands of people around on campus, many feel lonely and out of place. We wanted to create a space for students to come together and be welcomed and loved in a safe community while having a faith experience as well. Mix all of that together in one epic and fruitful recipe and we came up with…drumroll please… Place of Discipleship. POD.

POD happens every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. The evening kicks off with us all sharing a meal together. This time is really important but could be easy to overlook. Eating together is one of the most special things. We like to think about how Jesus shared meals with his disciples all the time because He knew how crucial it was to slow down, gather, and be grateful to God for the food and the blessings He’s given us. It’s beautiful to witness the way God works amongst the conversations and the laughter that is shared while we all fill our bellies!

The evening flows into a time of learning. We have heard about topics such as: why our self-image not only affects us but those around us as well, the results of the choices we make in life and how to approach social justice. Intertwined into these talks have been the team members’ perspectives and how these topics have come up in their lives. Sharing our stories is huge because often times if we have experienced something, someone else most likely has as well. We all share about what struck us in the talk, ask questions, and overall dig a little deeper into the core message of the topic.

When discussion time wraps up, we usually like to play a few games to unwind and have a good time. I can honestly say I have fallen on the floor from laughter multiple times because of what happens in these games sometimes. It’s a time of joy, and a time to celebrate community! We are stronger together!

I once heard the quote, “All good things begin in prayer, and all good things end in prayer.” That is why at the beginning of POD, we all say Grace, and at the end, we sing a few songs of praise to give the time we shared back to God.

He is so, so present throughout the entirety of POD. It makes me think of the verse in Matthew 18:20 – “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them.” He really is.

One student, who had never had a Christian background at all, told us after the evening that she had never felt more loved and accepted in her life. Since that night, she’s been regularly visiting the chaplaincy, coming to more events, and doing faith studies! We cherish this sharing and experience of the student deeply.

God is at work on the UQ campus and in the hearts of the students. It has been such an honour being a mere vessel for Him.

UQ FX Mission Team


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