The Harvest

We are in the final stage of our mission here in Cape Town for 2019. Thinking back over the past few months, it is easy to remember times where a day felt like a week, but now it feels as if each week were only a day. Each day – a day well spent in ministry, in community, in love.

During our preparation time for this mission as a team, we imagined ourselves as simply planting seeds here in South Africa. Knowing that we wouldn’t have much time and that this was a pioneering mission with NET, we didn’t want to expect too much. This has turned out to be far from the truth. Upon our arrival and the beginnings of our ministry, we soon discovered that we weren’t here just to plant seeds, but rather to begin reaping the harvest that is already ripe. Very soon this bible verse became relevant in our prayers,

“Do you not say, ‘Four months more, and then comes the harvest’? But I tell you, look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting. The reaper is already receiving wages and is gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you did not labour. Others have laboured, and you have entered into their labour.’ –John 4:35-38.

We haven’t been here just to plant seeds in the fields, but rather gather the harvest and begin building a farm for future ministry so that the fields can continue to be cultivated.

The young people of South Africa are ready for the truth. They are thirsting for it.

“Never before have I encountered young people so receptive to hearing about Jesus’ love and embracing it. After our second retreat here a grade 7 girl came up to me and handed me her reflection sheet from the prayer time and told me she wanted me to have it. The prayer she wrote on it was this:

‘Dear Jesus thank-you for making these people that spread your word to me and told me what you are. You know, Jesus, I go to church every Sunday but I never take note and I think there’s a reason you made these people come into my life I thank you for that. Amen.’

There have been many more responses like this one. Every event we’ve run we’ve seen youth come for prayer and ask Jesus to become a bigger part of their lives. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to pray with high school girls who authentically and vulnerably ask God to heal them, to know his love, and to help them to follow him. Girls who at the beginning of the day denied the existence of God after only a few hours were asking how to ask for His forgiveness and how to pray.”

– Haley Bekolay, Cape Town NET team member

We are so honoured and humbled to have been called to be part of the pilot team here. This mission has transformed more hearts than we could have imagined and has transformed parts of our own hearts.

This city, this country, needs more young people who are on fire for Christ and the church to come in and continue the work that has been started. This is a nation ready to rise up and follow the call of Christ. It is a nation ready for healing, a nation in desperate need of the tender message that they are beloved sons and daughters of God.

A part of our hearts will be left here with the mountains, the ocean, and the people of South Africa. Our prayer is that more young men and woman filled with the Holy Spirit will come and continue to spread the good news and receive the love that we have had from living here for four months.

Thank you for your prayers.

South Africa Outreach Pilot team 2019

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