NETworks Issue 7, 2024

NETworks Issue 7, 2024: In this month's issue we hear about the recent Ignite Conference’s, NET Uganda’s 20th Year Celebrations along with our regular ‘Get to Know Our 2024 NET...

NETworks Issue 6, 2024

NETworks Issue 6: In this edition we cover Green Shoots of Hope, The Heart of a NET Missionary - Auckland Team.

NETworks Issue 5, 2024

NETworks Issue 5, 2024: In this edition we cover The Peace We Seek, The Heart of a NET Missionary - Maroochydore Team & our ongoing feature of 'Get To Know the 2024 NET Missionaries'....

NETworks Issue 4, 2024

FAITH MADE POSSIBLE: In this edition we cover how Faith is Made Possible, The Heart of a NET Missionary & our ongoing feature of 'Get To Know the 2024 NET Missionaries'. Click...

NETworks Issue 3, 2024

BUILD OR EARN TRUST: A Pentecost Reflection. In this edition we catch up with the Hamilton Team, hear from Alumni, Sr Anastasia OP and look to the big things coming up this year.

NETworks Issue 2, 2024

THE JOY OF MISSION: This edition contains articles on:  Nothing Beats Joy, NET Darwin, & Prayer Poster. Click the Prayer Poster below for the newsletter

NETworks Issue 1, 2024

OVERFLOWING WITH HOPE This edition contains articles on:  Meet the New Teams, New Staff Member & Alumni Watch.

NETworks Issue 3, 2023

Relevance for Mission This issue contains articles on:  Relevance for Mission Revive Youth 2023 Overview [3d-flip-book id="2390" ][/3d-flip-book]

NETworks Issue 2, 2023

World Youth Day Lisbon This issue contains articles on:  Shine, Listen, Be Unafraid The Joy of Accompaniment The Call of Jesus Unfolds [3d-flip-book mode="fullscreen" id="2383"][/3d-flip-book]...

NETworks Issue 1, 2023

SEE I AM DOING A NEW THING This edition contains articles on:  Welcome New Staff Members Journey to Ministry Twenty Years Later [3d-flip-book mode="fullscreen" id="2374"][/3d-flip-book]...

NETworks Issue 4, 2022

THE GOSPEL WOULDN'T BE STOPPED This edition contains articles on:  Thank You, Maddie & Peter Annual Fundraising Dinner Ministry Impact 2022 [3d-flip-book mode="fullscreen"...

NETworks Issue 3 2022

FORMING APOSTLES FOR A NEW GENERATION This edition contains articles on:  Renewing the Call for Apostles and Disciples Ignite Conference "The Moment" Q+A on Servant Leadership Team...

NETworks Issue 2 2022

EVERYTHING Check out the latest newsletter below.  This edition contains articles on:  Team Port Pirie Blessings in NZ NET Alumni Mick & Laura Otto [3d-flip-book mode="fullscreen"...

NETworks Issue 1 2022

NET MINISTRIES 2022 Check out the latest newsletter below.  This edition contains articles on:  The Kiwi Connection Commissioning 2022 NET Teams NET Alumni Continuing to Serve [3d-flip-book...

NETworks Issue 3 2021

FAREWELL 2021 Check out the latest newsletter below.  This edition contains articles on:  Thank You To Executive Director Archbishop's Fundraising Dinner Wrap-Up Week New Executive...

Our Mission


NETworks Issue 2, 2021

THE RIPPLE EFFECT Check out the latest newsletter below.  This edition contains articles on:  The Matt Foxon Story Ripples in the Family Congratulations Fr Will Iuliano [3d-flip-book...

2022 Fundraising Dinner

GET TICKETS We warmly invite you to join us at the NET Ministries 2022 Fundraising Dinner to celebrate more than 30 years of transforming the lives of young people in Australia! NET...

Jessie's Story

Learn more about the impact the NET missionaries are making on young people in Australia through Jessie's story [3d-flip-book mode="fullscreen" id="2202"][/3d-flip-book] [button color="#0B519F"...

NETworks Issue 1, 2021

Check out the latest newsletter below.  This edition contains articles on:  Welcome To New Staff 10 Days Program Darwin Team Honouring Saint Joseph [3d-flip-book mode="fullscreen"...

Faithful To The End

Kia Ora!  My name is Diana and I served on mission this year with the Hamilton New Zealand NET team. This was my second year on NET. Last year I was on a university campus ministering...

Finding The Love That Satisfies

“Life is not about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep on moving forward,” - Rocky Balboa. We all know, in our own different ways, how true this is....

From Musicals To Mission

This time last year I was working as an actress performing six musicals a week at a professional theatre in America. If you had told me then that I’d be spending 2020 on mission...

Discovering The Truth About Beauty

Beauty has transformative power. I believe this with my whole heart, but I didn’t always. For the longest time, THE longest time, I thought that knowing, accepting, and especially...

Leaving A Mark... (Literally)

Well, we all know that the ‘rona season has left a side effect of sadness and uncertainty for many people, and it was a bit tough to see the usually busy and bustling hotspot, Kings...

How Chicken Wings Changed My Life

You’re probably wondering by reading the title how some mouth-watering, throat-burning absolutely heaven-like finger food can have such an effect on someone’s life. I’ll get...

Danielle's Story

Learn more about the impact the NETTERs are making on young people in Australia through Danielle's story [3d-flip-book mode="fullscreen" id="2213"][/3d-flip-book] [button color="#0B519F"...

Life After a Year On Mission

I think my life from now on is always going to be segmented into three parts: Who I was before NET, who I was on NET, and who I am growing into each day after NET. I did not expect...

God Can't Fit in a Box

            GOD CAN'T FIT IN A BOX? The other day I sat down for prayer and was confronted by the Lord about how much of a silly bugger I have been lately....

Looking to the Resurrection

  Check out NETworks Issue 1 of 2020 below   Welcome to the New Staff Responding to Current Challenge Suffering is not the End of the Story   [3d-flip-book mode="fullscreen"...

A Tribute to Archbishop John Bathersby

Following the retirement of Archbishop Rush, I remember well the appointment of Bishop John Bathersby (Cairns) to succeed him as Archbishop of Brisbane in 1991. What a joy! Over the...

Life to the Full

Ever since I read the book, ‘Wild at Heart’ by John Eldredge many years ago, I have been enthralled by the idea of ‘life to the full.’ This phrase comes from a scripture passage...

The Harvest

We are in the final stage of our mission here in Cape Town for 2019. Thinking back over the past few months, it is easy to remember times where a day felt like a week, but now it feels...

The Call

Have you ever spent any time with a 3-year-old? Well, if you have, you will know that the most said word in any conversation is ‘why?’. People often ask what we do. But often,...

Plenary Council: The Next Phase

I’ve spent the last few days sifting through the data that has emerged from more than 200,000 pieces of input from across the country who have answered the question: “What do you...

NET Lands in South Africa

Check out our NETworks Issue 1 of 2019 This issue features: New Pilot Team in South Africa Introduction to New Staff Sharing the Gospel in the 21st Century [flipbook pdf=""...

Place of Discipleship

When we had our first team meeting, we had an opportunity to brainstorm ideas for events we could do regularly throughout the year at UQ. We had a vision to create an event people...

Cape Town: A First Look

Each of us on the NET Cape Town Team has a very unique story in how we came to this pilot mission. Whether it was a thirst for adventure, a passion for our faith, doors being opened,...


Identity: An Eastertide Reflection Holy Week was like a mini spiritual/physical marathon. We, the Melbourne Encounter team, were lucky to attend Mass at a variety of locations: local...

Report from the Australian Bishops

The Report of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference identifies NET Ministries as one of three activities that young people consider the most interesting and relevant to share...

Celebrating 30 Years

MARK DOYLE: As I sit and ponder 30 years of NET Ministries a song pops into my head called, “Seasons of Love.” Here’s’ a few of the lyrics: Five hundred twenty-five thousand...

Sister Mel: From chasing the world to chasing the call

Melissa Dwyer thought she was born to throw the javelin. A natural athlete growing up and competing in many sports, she found her niche in javelin and by the time she was in year 12,...

Seeking Brotherhood

Dean Monteiro was in absolute shock. Somehow, in only one hour, he had received a positive response from the international agency for studies in Mumbai, India to his request to study...

Finding her identity in God

Stephanie was a year 12 student in a small coastal town of NSW. She had many friends, went to a good school and had a lot of independence for a 17-year-old. Steph was invited to all...

A South African Perspective

As I stepped off the plane into a humid Brisbane day, I did not know who was fetching me or where I was going or what exactly I would be doing. This was could be attributed to a spirit...
